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Community FREE Groceries Food S.H.A.R.E. Calendar
Discover a variety of healthy and delicious FREE Grocery Items at the SHARE!
S.H.A.R.E. = Share Health And Resources Equitably

Empowering Communities
Join us in alleviating food insecurity, promoting Community health, and fostering neighborhood revitalization.
Our Mission and Values
Our Mission: All Hands On Deck: St. Louis is dedicated to sharing health and resources equitably, ensuring all Community members have access to nutritious food and essential resources - regardless of socioeconomic status.
Our Vision - Cultivating a Community where wholesome, nutritious food, equity, and environmental consciousness thrive hand in hand. We Care about our Community, we S.H.A.R.E = Share Health And Resources Equitably - to transform lives, foster inclusivity, and cultivate a sustainable future where everyone thrives.
Our Values:
● Respect - Above all
Democracy - Shared Decision Making
● Social Learning - Value, Respect and Sharing of Ideas
● Shared Responsibility - Everyone contributes - Everyone is valued
● Sustainability - Ecological, human, and economic health and vitality

Community Engagement Events
Our all-volunteer Team hosts FREE groceries food SHARE's, Community resource events, and neighborhood cleanups to improve health, living environments, to help foster Community pride, and promote sustainability!